About CoLearn.Dev

A secure way for data collaboration.

Why using CoLearn.Dev?

If you are an application developer who needs to deploy existing privacy-preserving solutions to a real-world scenario with minimal effort...

CoLearn allows application developers to take advantage of existing privacy-preserving solutions and easily integrate them into their application workflow. Applying federated analytics or federated learning can be as simple as writing less than 10 lines of code.

If you are a cryptographic protocol designer who wants to build and evaluate a new solution and encourage others to follow your work...

CoLearn helps cryptographic protocol designers quickly develop, test, and evaluate their design in both simulations and real-world deployment. CoLearn also has a unified interface to package protocols, allowing protocol designers to reuse existing cryptographic building blocks as well as package their own work for follow-ups.

If you are a technology enthusiast who wishes to use data responsively and collaboratively to make the world a better place, and maybe earn some profits in the meantime...

CoLearn enables data sovereignty by separating private data storage from certain platforms. Instead of trusting companies to ethnically follow rules after getting full control over your data, CoLearn brings the data back to users but still allows them to participate in various data collaborations with open-source implementation in user-controlled environments. CoLearn also investigates incentive models for companies and users to better collaborate, helping to find the matching participants and data for specific decentralized data science applications.